EPA Forum on Food Waste 2021
Countdown to 2030: Building knowledge to waste less
Thursday 4th November 2021 | 9:30am – 1:00pm | Online
The 2021 Forum on Food Waste entitled Countdown to 2030: Building knowledge to waste less is taking place virtually on Thursday 4th November at 9:30am – 1:00pm. The event will emphasise the importance of measuring food waste, improved data, and indicators for gaining insights and identifying opportunities for targeted waste reduction across the supply chain.
Why should you attend?
The event will bring together key actors from across the food chain to discuss how measuring food waste and addressing collaboration across the supply chain can provide insights on opportunities and challenges in relation to food loss and waste in Ireland.
Hear the latest food waste prevention developments and activities taking place at nations, European and global levels.
Hear from industry speakers from across the food supply chain about practical experiences in relation to measuring and reducing food waste.
Find out more at: https://epafoodwasteforum.com/
If reducing your companies food waste is something that interests you click here to use our e-tool.
Contact Us to Learn More
For more information on the Savour Food programme and our waste reduction strategy please