Everyone can play a part in preventing and reducing food waste

Currently, an estimated one third of all food produced for human consumption is wasted. In Ireland, we generate approximately 1 million tonnes of food waste every year. Food waste is a global issue, but it is also a significant problem for Irish businesses.

Savour Food is a food waste reduction initiative for business. Online resources, consultancy and seminars are available to businesses free of charge.

This programme was developed with funding from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Rural Innovation and Development Fund. This project is no longer active.

Eunice Power

Eunice Power Catering

“Food waste management begins at the menu planning stage, followed by purchasing, food preparation and service. It’s in everyone’s interest to reduce food waste – it’s the way forward for a sustainable world.”

Pat Ferriter

Ferrit & Lee Restaurant

“Food waste is a constant battle in our kitchen, we have a extensive menu so the amount of stock we hold can be quite large at times. Stock rotation and overlapping ingredients is essential but the best tool we have against food waste is our weighing scales, we weigh every portion. It helps with consistency and reduces the waste coming back on the plates.”

Darina Allen

Ballymaloe Cookery School

“The difference between profit and loss in food business is your attitude towards food waste.”

Michael Lennon

Westport Woods Hotel

“We all know that a tonne of food costs in the region of €4000 to grow, produce, cook and serve. It is a no brainer to be involved and try drive down these costs, by reducing food waste through efficiencies in production and quality, while satisfying healthy and happy guests in our establishments.”

Victor Murphy

O’Mahony’s, Watergrasshill

“For us, it’s very simple. We deal with all independent, local, sustainable and ethical suppliers. Menus are driven by what’s available from the people we have relationships with. Plus, I’m constantly watching what comes back on the plate.”

JB Dubois

Grow HQ

“Root vegetables: before starting peeling a root veg, stop and think, does it really need peeling: a summer carrot definitely doesn’t, the first harvest of parsnip doesn’t either…when you decide to peel your root vegetables, all peels are usable.”